Why Choose Us?

Founded in 1995, our manufacturing sister company EVEREST IE is the leading company in the plastics sector providing quality flexible plastic packaging through brand new technology.


For the last 27 years we have been driven to build a reputation on quality, reliability and efficiency. We view our clients as our partners, so we continuously work hard to deliver the best products and services to improve their overall experience.


We are passionate about achieving the best possible environmental standards by recycling everything we create. So, we use the latest technology to manufacture our products which guarantees we’re a sustainable company that actively does its bit for the environment.


We strive to deliver excellence time and time again, so our company is certified for achieving quality standards and complying with the environmental standards. At Albion Eco Pro, we produce quality products which makes us the leaders in the plastics manufacturing market.

Quality plastics manufacturer

Originally launched as a manufacturer of flexible plastic packaging, our remit grew as we started to produce a range of products in the commercial market including industrial packaging as well as food and non-food products like greenhouse film and blue roll.

To show our commitment to the plastics industry we have worked hard to become fully accredited with a wide range of certifications including ISO 9001 for quality standards and ISO 14001 for complying with environmental standards.

At Albion Eco Pro, we are proud to be environmentally responsible, we guarantee quality standards, and we are biodegradable certificate approved.

Quality Standards

Organisation successfully meets customer and other stakeholder needs within statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product or service.

Recycled Content

This shows the organisation has self-declared environmental claims, including statements, symbols and graphics, regarding products.

Environmental Management Systems

Provides assurance to company management, exployees and external stakeholders that environmental impact is being measured and improved.

Health and Safety

International standard to demonstrate an organisation’s compliance with health and safety law in the workplace.


To show our commitment to the plastics industry, we have worked hard to become fully accredited with a wide range of specialist certifications.